Safer Roads Studio

The Safer Roads Studio is the hub for Together for Safer Roads’ work with forward-thinking corporations, startups, municipalities and other road safety entrepreneurs. Operating in planned sprints around specific problem-solution sets, the studio leverages a combination of people-first design thinking and accelerator methodology to define, test and produce packaged solutions to member-driven challenges, making our roads safer places for all.

The Safer Roads Studio offers TSR members the unique opportunity to break down industry silos and work together, advancing solutions for both their fleets, the larger industry, and communities near and far.

Safer Roads Studio Programs

The following programs were initially launched within the Studio:

Truck of the Future

Incorporating state-of-the-art hardware and software that provides fleet vehicles with greater blind-zone detection and visibility, the Truck of the Future Program works with cities and companies to equip their fleets with technology that increases driver vision.

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Direct Vision 5 Star Rating System

Our groundbreaking Direct Vision 5 Star Rating System empowers fleet owners to assess the blind zones of their trucks, make informed purchasing decisions, and retrofit poorly rated vehicles for improved visibility.

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Global Fleet Safety Instruments Standardization

Launched alongside the 2023 UN Global Road Safety Week, this initiative aims to establish operator-focused guidelines and best practices for effective implementation of fundamental safety tools and technologies including: seat belts, telematics, automatic braking, airbags, and side view mirrors.

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