About Us
Together for Safer Roads (TSR), a global non-governmental organization, is a coalition of purpose-driven companies, city governments, and community stakeholders focused on building cross-sector partnerships that lead to safer fleets and roads.

Bridging the Road Safety Gap
Leveraging the technology, data, and expertise of its members, TSR creates innovative programs, dynamic public-private partnerships, conducts critical research and hosts important industry convenings all aimed at supporting the capacity of fleets, large and small, public and private, in their efforts to prevent traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities and ultimately achieve Vision Zero.
From our innovative work on blind zones in commercial trucks, to our signature FOCUS on Fleet Safety training program, our initiatives work toward achieving greater fleet safety in comprehensive, collaborative and results-focused ways, leading to real and long-lasting change.

The History of Together for Safer Roads
Together for Safer Roads (TSR) was formed as a global NGO in 2014 during the first United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020). Recognizing that road traffic incidents caused 3,000 deaths a day globally, and were the 8th leading cause of death in the world among 15 to 29 year olds and projected to be the 5th leading cause by 2030, 10 companies led by Anheuser-Busch InBev came together to create the foundational TSR coalition. Today, that coalition numbers over 50 members, including some of the largest fleets in the world, leading technology companies and global cities.
TSR’s work aligns with both the renewed goals of the UN’s Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 – an ambitious target of preventing at least 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030 – as well as the comprehensive road safety goals of each of our members.
Our members represent some of the largest and most important fleets in the world as well as pre-eminent road safety technology companies. We work with governments, businesses and community stakeholders on a variety of distinct projects with the ultimate goal of achieving Vision Zero – the total elimination of traffic fatalities and severe injuries.
The Team
Peter Goldwasser, Executive Director
Peter Goldwasser, Esq., has two decades of experience working across the public and private sectors, advising companies, non-profits and individuals on how to make a positive impact on the toughest social issues.
Prior to joining TSR, Peter ran his own consultancy, the PNG Group, providing counsel to executives at leading transportation, entertainment and technology companies on social, political and business affairs, while working with community stakeholders to transform challenging and diverse ideas into concrete strategies and actions.
Peter has also served as Deputy Director at Cities of Service, a national nonprofit of Bloomberg Philanthropies; advised Girl Rising, a global advocacy non-profit dedicated to empowering girls through education; and served as Chief Program Officer in the Office of Policy and Strategic Planning under former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg where he directed multi-agency efforts addressing education, immigration and anti sex-trafficking. Before working in city government, Peter was General Counsel and political director at Transportation Alternatives, the nation’s premier cycling and pedestrian advocacy organization.
Misty Cornelius: Program Consultant
Misty enables alignment between private sector road initiatives and local government programs and manages local community initiatives like Houston’s Gulfton community road safety project. She also oversees TSR’s Vision Zero commitments.
Previously, Misty served as VP of Corp Affairs for Silver Eagle Distributors and has a wealth of experience in brand strategy for public, private and nonprofit companies. She holds a BA in Journalism from University of Central Oklahoma, and has served on the boards of various community initiatives and organizations such as: YMCA International Services, Center for Houston’s Future and Anheuser-Busch’s CSR Panel.
Andrew Hoffman: Strategy and Innovation Lead
Andrew leads out Strategy and Innovation initiatives, working with TSR members on Road Safety Data & Innovation and Global Entrepreneurship Programs.
Andrew brings 15 years of experience across the Startup Ecosystem and Emerging Technology space working with Fortune 100 Companies, Global Advertising Agencies and Startups. He lives in Brooklyn and enjoys biking, hiking and travel whenever possible.
Members and Partners
Board of Directors

Members and Partners

Members and Partners