press releases

Together for Safer Roads Along with Presenting Sponsors The UPS Foundation and CalAmp Spearheading First-of-Its-Kind Grantmaking Program: The Vision Zero Technology Fund Initiative


The technology fund will support fleet safety in essential services and purpose-based organizations

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@TSRCoalition and presenting sponsors @UPS_foundation & @calamp announce inaugural vision zero technology fund to support fleet safety in essential services and purpose-based organizations – #fleetsafety #visionzero #roadsafety

NEW YORK — Jan. 11, 2021 — Together for Safer Roads (TSR) today announces a first-of-its-kind grantmaking program for purpose-based organizations. The fund will underwrite the adoption of lifesaving vehicle technologies and will assist in its implementation among essential service organizations’ fleet operations. TSR members The UPS Foundation and CalAmp are serving as presenting sponsors to the inaugural Vision Zero Technology Fund.

Like the seat belt and airbag before them, new technologies such as vehicle telematics, backup cameras, blindspot and forward-collision warning systems, side guards and others keep vehicle occupants safe and reduce catastrophic collisions with vulnerable road users.

“We are thrilled to be at the forefront of not only the cutting edge, but meaningful, technological interventions that tackle real-world challenges to empower nonprofits, essential services and businesses alike,” said Jeff Gardner, CEO of CalAmp.

To put the intractability of road safety into perspective, there are more than 335 million commercial vehicles on the road, and 25% of all work-related fatalities are transportation related. Road crashes account for 1.35 million deaths per year and is the top killer for those under the age 25. TSR believes that one aspect to reducing fatalities and serious injuries on the world’s roads is to ensure that fleet vehicles have access to lifesaving vehicle technology.

Vision Zero Technology Fund Recipient City HarvestWhile in pre-launch mode, TSR was able to test the fund by granting $20,000 to City Harvest, New York City’s largest food rescue organization, to install back-up cameras, convex mirrors and side-view cameras.

“Every day, City Harvest’s food rescue trucks are on the streets of New York City rescuing and delivering food for New Yorkers who need help putting meals on their tables,” said Nigel Reid, director of transportation at City Harvest. “It is crucial that we are as safe and secure as possible while we operate around this very busy city. Our drivers appreciate the safety equipment we have been able to get thanks to Together for Safer Roads because it lets them focus on our mission — getting food to our neighbors in need.”

The Vision Zero Tech Fund is a grant that will support essential businesses, non-profit organizations, governments and others to acquire, install and implement new safety technology for up to two years.

“We know we’re not going to be able to put this technology everywhere, but nonprofits and other purpose-based organizations struggle the most with affording this technology,” shared David Braunstein, TSR president. “We will work with recipients of the tech fund to incorporate lifesaving safety technology into their daily operations.”

TSR has also recently committed to the Stockholm Declaration, an ambitious and forward-looking resolution connecting road safety to the 2030 Agenda. In practice, it marked the kick-off of the second Decade of Road Safety on behalf of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the Swedish government.

“Road safety is a huge, complex problem around the globe and one we center a lot of our community-based work around,” adds Nikki Clifton, president of social impact and The UPS Foundation. “Few nonprofits have the budgets to put in lifesaving vehicle technology. As a longtime member and supporter of TSR, we were thrilled to serve as a presenting sponsor and help them make this fund a reality.”


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